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Maths Invaders

Shoot the spaceship with the correct answer and dodge the incoming fire. A fun game to practise a wide range of key mathematical skills. There are over a hundred carefully differentiated levels.

6-11 year olds

Number Pieces

A great teaching resource which helps children to understand place value. It uses hundreds, tens and ones blocks. It's great for demonstrating decomposition as you can break apart the pieces.

5-7 year olds

Number Balance

Try addition and multiplication calculations on this number balance by arranging the blue tags. Great for consolidating number bonds to 10. The free play option is useful as a teacher aid for demonstrating the commutative property of multiplication.

6-9 year olds

The Difference Bar

Use a linear partitioning tool to help find the difference between pairs of two-digit numbers such as 25 and 34. The examples in the resource always have a difference less than ten. Useful as a teaching resource on an interactive whiteboard.

7-9 year olds

20 Bead Rekenrek

A great teaching tool for helping young children to understand numbers and learn strategies for addition and subtraction, doubling and halving.

5-7 year olds

ITP Beadsticks

Mathsframe has produced a tablet friendly beadsticks resource which can help with understanding place value, partitioning and modelling addition and subtraction.

6-9 year olds

Spring Maths

Counting, ordering, sequencing, number bonds, addition, subtraction, multiplication and more, all set around the theme of Spring.

5-9 year olds

Funky Mummy

Funky Mummy is a number facts game. Practise quick recall of addition, subtraction and multiplication facts.

5-7 year olds

Caterpillar Ordering

A flexible game for ordering numbers and for number sequences. Fantastic on an interactive whiteboard. Levels range from ordering and sequencing numbers to 5 up to decimals.

4-11 year olds
Teachers, Pupils

Shape Patterns

Shape Patterns is a shapes sequencing game. Complete the pattern of different coloured 2D shapes. There are three levels of difficulty.

3-8 year olds
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