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Learning Through Play

Sand and Water

More Sand Play Ideas

Sand is a wonderful medium for stimulating imaginative play if you introduce dinosaurs, play people, zoo or farm animals to the sand.

Child Playing with Cars

Children enjoy making patterns in damp sand. They can make tracks with cars and other vehicles. If you provide 'combs' of card or plastic, with teeth of varying widths your child will be able to explore pattern making and mark-making.

Dry sand on trays is good for mark-making too. Children can use either their fingers or small sticks or brushes. It provides a medium for practising letters, numbers, shapes and patterns.

Playing with friends

Co-operative Play

One of the most important aspects of sand play can be the social side of a child's development. Where more than one child is playing in the sand, they can learn sharing, negotiating and turn taking. They are able to use their imaginations in role play.

The educational benefits are apparent, but your child will have fun while he or she is learning and developing new skills.

Safety Disclaimer

Children should always be supervised by an adult when playing in or with water.

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