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Get the Right School

Getting your child into the school of your choice can be difficult. This site has helpful advice on how to gain that place at the right school in the UK.

3-16 year olds

The Whiteboard Blog

The Whiteboard Blog is packed with great tips for using interactive whiteboards in the classroom.

5-18 year olds

Save the Whale

Complete the number bonds to set the whale free. You can choose different totals up to 10.

5-7 year olds

The Difference Bar

Use a linear partitioning tool to help find the difference between pairs of two-digit numbers such as 25 and 34. The examples in the resource always have a difference less than ten. Useful as a teaching resource on an interactive whiteboard.

7-9 year olds

Liberty, Equality, Fraternity: Exploring the French Revolution

A first-class site on this period of French history which has images, a timeline and essays. It includes information from the social causes of the Revolution through to the legacies it left.

14-18 year olds
Teachers, Pupils

The Reader Teacher

This site features the great reads for children, teachers, schools and parents to choose from.

3-11 year olds
Teachers, Pupils, Parents

The Gunpowder Plot: Parliament and Treason 1605

This UK Government website has information about the Gunpowder Plot with a downloadable fact sheet.

11-16 year olds
Teachers, Pupils

Turn the Squares

A game where you need to turn the squares to make a picture. There are many pictures to make.

4-7 year olds

Inside the Church

Check if you know the items found inside a church and find out what each one is for.

5-11 year olds

How the Lungs Work

Information on respiration. It includes an excellent animation with narration about how the lungs work and gas exchange.

11-16 year olds
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