Jessie and Friends
Jessie and Friends is a series of three animations which aims to give 4-7 year olds knowledge, skills and confidence to help them respond safely to risks they may encounter online.
Toy Shop Money Game
Money games where children work out which coins will buy toy shop items and where they can calculate change. Tablet-friendly and with different levels of difficulty. GDP, USD, EURO and AUD options are available.
Flutter-by Friends
Listen to the story about Cassie Caterpillar and her friend Clyde. When you have heard the story see if you can sequence pictures of the story on a storyboard.
ITP Beadsticks
Mathsframe has produced a tablet friendly beadsticks resource which can help with understanding place value, partitioning and modelling addition and subtraction.
Smudge's Early Science
Simple, tablet-friendly science games for young children on parts of animals and plants, parts of the body, classifying animals and plants and life cycles.
Web Whiteboard
A Web Whiteboard is touch-friendly online whiteboard app that enables you use your computer, tablet or smartphone to draw sketches, collaborate and share with others. Easy to use and no installation needed.
Dress Up
Dress up Daniel Tiger and his friends in lots of different outfits.
Virtual Unifix
This is a manipulative which has virtual Unifix which can be snapped together. Better on desktop machines than tablets. Poor on iPad.
Reading Scales Mass
A great teaching aid for children learning to read scales involving g and kg. Generate lots of different readings. This resource works well on tablets and interactive whiteboards.
Sky Writer
A handwriting demonstration tool which demonstrates correct letter formation. It works well as a whole class activity on an interactive whiteboard or in a group situation on a tablet. It includes a cursive writing option.