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Bug Catcher

See if you can guess whether there are more bugs of one colour than another. Then catch the bugs to see if you were right before setting them free.

3-5 year olds

The Anti-Slavery Campaign in Britain

An account of the slave trade and the movement which led it its abolition in 1833.

14-16 year olds
Teachers, Pupils

British Council School and Teacher Resources

Here schools can create safe links with young people all over the world and to find out about different cultures. Get your class started on a fun, exciting international project. Over 30,000 schools to choose from.

14-18 year olds

Ofsted - Office for Standards in Education

This site summarises the key aspects of Ofsted's school inspection system and provides access to the Ofsted reports of the majority of UK schools in Adobe Acrobat format.

5-16 year olds

DfE Get Into Teaching

Thinking of becoming a teacher or returning to the profession? Here is advice on various career entry profiles, recommendations on how to return after a career break and also advice for teachers on managing their professional development.

3-16 year olds

Trenches on the Web - An Internet History of The Great War

Comprehensive reference library about World War 1. A timeline, biographies of important figures, first hand accounts, photographs and details of major battles are some of the excellent features here.

11-18 year olds
Teachers, Pupils

City Mouse and Country Mouse

A video of an updated story of the Town Mouse and Country Mouse.

4-6 year olds

Why do Plants Grow in Spring?

Plants get what they need to grow in Spring. Here we explain what happens in easy language for young children to understand. Written at two levels of difficulty.

6-11 year olds

Life in an Iron Age Village

Just what was every day life in the Iron Age? This site from the BBC pieces together the evidence to give us a good picture of the agriculture, religion and lifestyle of the people of the time.

14-18 year olds
Teachers, Pupils

Winsor and Newton Guides

Hints and techniques to enable you to explore your artistic abilities with water colours, oils, acrylics, pastels and colour mixing. You will find it in the Creative Encyclopedia. Use the drop down box to locate the techniques section.

11-18 year olds
Teachers, Pupils
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