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BBC Bitesize Maths Key Stage 2

Two learner guides and fourteen class video clips on place value and decimals.

7-11 year olds

Carroll Diagrams - Odd and Even

Sort numbers on these Carroll Diagrams by whether they are odd or even, by place value or by more or less than a given number.

6-9 year olds

Jack and the Beanstalk

Listen to or read the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. Excellent animation.

3-5 year olds

Historic Royal Palaces - History and Stories

Discover interesting facts about Henry VIII and find out why he was so feared. Learn about his six wives and also about Queen Victoria and her empire.

7-11 year olds

Equivalent Fractions Finder

Experiment visually with the values of equivalent fractions of a square or circle. The site lends itself well as a teaching tool on an interactive whiteboard.

7-14 year olds

Jack and the Beanstalk

An animated story of the fairy tale Jack and the Beanstalk in short video clips from the BBC.

5-7 year olds

Teeth and Eating

An interactive website all about teeth, their uses and structure, how you should look after them, the different types of teeth. You can build a mouth in a drag and drop activity. Great on an interactive whiteboard in full-screen mode.

7-11 year olds

Bookbug Song and Rhyme library

Find new songs and rhymes to share with little ones - including Gaelic.

0-5 year olds
Teachers, Parents

Nuffield Primary Design and Technology

Great design and technology teaching units which include lesson by lesson teaching guidance, a listing of new vocabulary, a description of links to other subjects and full details of resource requirements. Free to register on the site.

5-11 year olds

Excellent resources for GCSE and A Level science students. There over 200 pages of material, including interactive resources, teachers' notes, student worksheets and references to scientific applications.

11-18 year olds
Teachers, Pupils
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