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Dartboard Multiplication

Are you up for the challenge? Sharpen up your skills with these games which really test your knowledge of multiplication tables. Don't forget to put your number in the centre. Works well on IWB.

7-11 year olds

Maths Fishing

Practise your multiplication skills. The game not only covers times tables but also doubles, squared and cubed numbers.

5-11 year olds

Hit the Button

Quick fire questions on number bonds, doubling, halving, times tables, division facts and square numbers against the clock. Brilliant for improving mental maths and calculation skills, but particularly times tables either up to 10 or up to 12 times.

6-11 year olds
Teachers, Pupils

Arithmetic - Multiplication, Division, Factoring

Three different arithmetic games which will test your knowledge of times tables up to 12 times. You can work through different levels to build up your skills.

6-11 year olds

Mental Maths Train

Mental Maths Train is a maths game which focuses on the essential vocabulary of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. A multiple choice game which can give children confidence in the four arithmetic operations.

5-11 year olds
Teachers, Pupils, Parents

Colouring Multiples in Pascal's Triangle

Check out this multiples challenge. Either pick a number or take a random number and find all the multiples. See if you can spot the number patterns as you colour in the multiples.

7-11 year olds
Teachers, Pupils

Interactive Teaching Program on Area

This interactive teaching tool can be used in a variety of mathematical contexts such as multiplication arrays, finding different shapes with the same area, nets and more. It is useful because there are different backgrounds such as dots.

5-14 year olds

Number Balance

Try addition and multiplication calculations on this number balance by arranging the blue tags. Great for consolidating number bonds to 10. The free play option is useful as a teacher aid for demonstrating the commutative property of multiplication.

6-9 year olds

Daily 10

Daily 10 has maths questions on a range of maths concepts: addition, subtraction, ordering, partitioning, digit values, rounding, multiplication, division, doubles, halves and fractions. Great starter or plenary activity. Useful for mental maths.

5-11 year olds
Teachers, Pupils, Parents


Spinner is an interactive resource for generating random numbers up to 10. You can reduce the number of segments. Try this for generating equations.

5-9 year olds
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