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Today's Number a New Early Years Game

Posted on 07-Oct-21

We are excited to announce the launch of Today's Number, our latest maths game aimed at the early years age group. It consists of several activities which focus on each of the numbers to 20 and can be played in two ways. The first presents a random number of the day from a selection of two ranges, 1-10 or 11-20. The second lets you choose an individual number from 1 to 20, which is particularly useful for anyone who is teaching or learning the numbers sequentially.

The activities include a number formation exercise where you watch an animated model of the correct formation and then have a go yourself. This is a useful teaching aid on an interactive whiteboard. The demo animation can be replayed on demand.

Number Formation Activity

Number Formation Activity

There are also counting activities, which require users to count out the requisite number, one of these being in ten frame format.

Counting in Ten Frame Format

Counting in Ten Frame Format

Counting Out Today's Number

Counting Out Today's Number

Learning the relationship between numbers is an important concept and we have included 'What number comes before ...?' and 'What number comes after ...?' activities to help children with their understanding of number order.

What Comes Before ...?

What Comes Before ...?

What Comes After ...?

What Comes After ...?

The final activity involves identifying today's number amongst others. It is an activity which helps children to recognise the number symbol that matches the number word which is presented orally.

Identifying Today's Number Amongst Others

Identifying Today's Number Amongst Others

The last screen displays a spelling of the number so that children can begin to recognise the word format of the number.

Try Today's Number now.